The template like most modern blog themes comes with a slider, luckily its not one thats too heavy but a smaller one similar to the hybrid theme. Apart from that there are two navigation menus that provides you enough of space to display all your categories, pages and links. The thesis for blogger theme comes with social media icons, read more for posts, a bunch of floating icons, adsense ready widgets and placement and a extremely functional footer that can be seen below.
The perks are not just with the home page, each post has a nicely crafted section that includes an ad with prime position and social icons besides it. The end of the post has an author description widget where you have your pic and bio etc.
To customize the navbar just look for the words, home, label one etc and replace it with your own links, for further customization you can always refer to the author site or post a comment for help.
Download the Thesis Theme for Blogger
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