Test Footer

Chinese Drop Blog Template

Chinese Drop is a 2 column skin ported to blogger by Blogger Template Place. Its got a cool design with a simple layout.
Chinese Drop free blog template
The header includes the menu bar with the categories displayed vertically, a twitter icon besides it and subscribe to RSS button is placed below it. In the main column the posts appear in a summarized 'Read More' format and has the default blogger social bookmarking widget integrated in the theme, whereas the post details - date stamp, labels, comments - are at the end of the post.

The single sidebar features a set of social bookmarking icons so your readers could follow your blog and share content on different sites. In order to modify the links, go to Edit Html and look for the following code -

<div id='sidebar'>
<div class='addthis_toolbox'>
<div class='custom_images'>

Below this you can add your facebook, twitter, delicious etc. links or even change the icons if you like. Then you can choose the blogger widgets to be displayed in the sidebar.

Download the Chinese Drop Blog Template

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