Hybrid News comes with a dual menu bar, each above and below the header image. Adjacent to the first navigation bar is an internal search box, while the header also contains ad space on the right. There is a slider section to display your latest posts, with a brief about your post and an image. Since the slider script uses Atom feed, it will automatically update the slider content.
Search for the below code in Edit Html and add your feed url
<div class='feature'>
<script language='JavaScript'>
etc etc
startposts = 0;
numposts = 1;
home_page = &quot;YOUR BLOG URL/feeds/posts/default&quot;;
If you want to add more slides, then copy, paster the same code from Edit Html and change the 'startposts' and 'numposts'. For example, if you want 3 slides then it make it
startposts = 2;
numposts = 3;
Below the slider the designer has included a minipost section, where snippets of each post comes with an image. This is followed by two text widgets in case you want to add some content there. The sidebar has 2 boxes before it splits into two more columns, so you can add any blogger features of your choice.
Hybrid News Blogger Theme also includes a 4 column footer section, so this magazine template gives you ample space to fit in your content.
Download the Hybrid News Blogger Template
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