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Blogging Delicious Blogger Theme

Blogging Delicious is a 2 column template designed by EZwpthemes and converted to blogger by BloggerThemes. Blogging Delicious Blogger Theme
Blogging Delicious is a food-based theme for all the food lovers who want to blog, put up recipes etc. The header has an image on the right, and in the rest of the space you can add the blog title and one line description.

The menu bar features below the header, followed by the posts. Details of each post appears below the headline itself, like the labels, author name, date and time stamp, while the comments appear at the bottom of the post.

The single sidebar is on the right and contains an internal search box to facilitate readers to browse through your content. Then you can add the regular blogger widgets in the sidebar like labels, archives etc.

Blogging Delicious is a simple template with no additional features, but if you want to start a food blog, then you can consider using this.

Blogging Delicious Blogger Template

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