To put up your posts, go to Posting--New Post and add the below code -
<img class="homeimage" src="IMAGE URL" alt="" width="940" height="600" />
<img class="singleimage" src="IMAGE URL" alt="" width="940" height="300" />
<div class="entry">POST</div>
For home image, you need to add class="homeimage" and for a single image, put class="singleimage".
On entering the post, the image will automatically display in a banner format, then comes a box with your post details - the date stamp, labels and comments. The theme is really cool, the relevant posts in labels and archives also appear in a sliding panel, in a small box frame. Additional instructions are given in the download folder.
The right hand sidebar, that shows up on entering a post, includes the previous and next post along with different blogger widgets. Its a great theme to use for a professional or a photo blog, to make a presentation, display creative work etc.
Download the Viewport Blogger Theme
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