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Waka Waka Time For Africa Blog Theme

With the football World Cup fever rising across the world, here's a blogger template to note down your feelings, views, opinions about your favorite team and players. Waka Waka Time For Africa is a 2 column football theme Designed by EZwpthemes and converted to blogger by Anshul.
Waka Waka Time For Africa, football blog Theme
This template has a steady background image of a football stadium with the 2 columns scrolling on it. The header has images of various players and the World Cup placed at the center, where you can add your blog title and a brief summary.

Below that is the main column and the left sidebar. At the start of the main column is the menu bar to display your categories, and below it each post appears with a football icon next to the headline. Post details like the date stamp, labels appear after the headline, and social bookmarking icons, author and comments come at the end of the post.

The sidebar includes a small welcome section at the top where you can write down any message for your readers. Below it is the search box and RSS subscribe icon to help readers keep updated with the latest posts. Additional blogger widgets can be included below that.

Download the Waka Waka Time For Africa, Football Blog Theme

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