The header space is used for the blog title and description, horizontal menu bar on the right and an internal search box above it. This is followed by a photo, which can be changed from Edit Html, you need to search for the below code -
<div id='templatemo_welcome_wrapper'><div id='templatemo_welcome'>
<div id='welcome_image'> <span/> <img alt='image' src='
Replace the blogspot image link after this with your image url (photo should be 300x135) and save the template. Adjacent to the photo you can also add a welcome note or some text from Layout--Page Elements, while below it you can display links to your portfolio page and projects.
The author has also provided space to show your top 3 featured posts, to get that working go to Layout--Page Elements, Edit the 3 adjacent gadgets or add a new one. After adding your text in the box, paste the following code to get the Read More icon -
<div class='button_02'><a href='Your post link here'>Read more</a></div>
Generally in other templates, featured posts are picked automatically from the feed, but in this one you have to manually add them.
The main post column has the headline on top followed by time stamp and author, and the labels appear below the post. The Read More feature is also integrated in the template. The single sidebar can be used for the additional blogger widgets.
Download the Photographer Blogger Skin
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