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Monetizing Your Blogger Part 1

Most bloggers would like to earn some revenue from their blogs. Although making a lot of money in a short time is not possible, at least for us, but over a period of time we have managed to make this side income a steady source of income.

The topic itself is very large to cover in a single video, we shall be creating multiple videos to help you get the most out of your blogger blog.

Monetize Blogger, Revenue from Blogs, Ads in Blogspot,
Here's the list of resources that was used in the video:

The code to look for to paste the ad unit after parsing


If you paste it before the above code it will appear under the headline and after it, it will appear at the end of the post. You can also use this <div style='margin-left:2px;'>Your Parsed Ad Code Here</div> to fit the advertisement properly

Ads in the Middle

Blog crowds HTML Parser

Hope you enjoyed the first part of this video series, until the next one, have fun blogging!

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