Test Footer

Funky & Elegant Dashboard Themes

We always extend a warm welcome to new members of the blogger template community, and an original designer is an additional boost to this network. Today we have the Funky and Elegant Dashboard templates created by Blogger Dashboard, they are two separate themes but extremly similar so I have clubbed both of them together for you.
Funky Dashboard Blogger Template
Elegant Dashboard Blogger Template
The two themes as you can see have a very similar design, the structural layout is exactly the same. The only difference is the colours, icons and small design changes here and there. Apart from that lets take a look at what these dashboard templates have to offer.

The template starts off with a section to hold the blog title on the left and a leader board advertisement on the right. Just under that is the navbar with a cool hover on effect. Then comes a nice featured post slider widget that seems to be very smooth and quick to load, unlike most that we have seen.

The post section is well defined, starting off with a small date, the headline follows with a italic font and its also highlighted. There read more function is enabled and at the end of the post you find the posted by, labels and comment count.

The sidebar has its own unique search bar in the start and each section comes with a unique icon to distinguish itself. There is a island advertisement location strategically placed here, while the footer puts a lovely end to this template.
Funky Dashboard Footer
Elegant Dashboard Footer
As you can see the footer has three columns for both these templates, the only difference is the icon at the header of both of them. This doesn't mean these templates aren't good, they are original designs for blogger, and definitely make their way in the premium two column template category!

Download the Funky Dashboard Blogger Template

Download the Elegant Dashboard Blogger Template

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